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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Do you guys like my desktop ?
I have recently began to mess around with my desktop. What do you guys think ? Message me if you want to know what programs I used. :D

Saturday, July 9, 2011
[Guide] - Zhonya's hourglass
Players often buy Zhonya's Hourglass but either not use it the best way it can be used or they don't even use it at all. Here is a guide addressing these issues.
Zhonya's Hourglass
Total Price: 3300 Recipe Price: 1000
50 Armor, 100 Ability Power. UNIQUE Active: Places your champion into Stasis for 2 seconds, rendering your champion invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any actions. 90 second cooldown.
How players don't use Zhonya at all.
Having bought Zhonya , they keep it in their inventory space for the whole game, period.
How players use Zhonya ineffectively.
Players activate Zhonya to escape from being harassed. Players take a little bit of damage but they Zhonya because they fear they will take more damage. Harassers only have the intention of doing little damage and then retreat. If you Zhonya because someone is harassing you , you fall into their trap.
What does ZHONYA'S Hourglass do ?
This item makes you invulnerable and intargetable for 2 seconds during which you are unable to move. Becoming unable to move puts you in a dangerous position. What I mean is , you will be safe for 2 seconds but afterwards chances are your team has left you behind. Without your team protecting you and your position, the enemy team will surround you and kill you.
You SHOULD NOT use Zhonya's under these circumstances :
1.You are the main damage and a team fight is going on. Activating Zhonya will cripple your team. The logic is something like this. Once you Zhonya, your enemy will target another player in your team. The team fight, therefore, will become a 4v5 fight because you Zhonya-ed.
2. You are losing in a team fight and you are running. NEVER Zhonya when you are running away from your enemy. Activating Zhonya when you are running will allow the other team to catch up to you and kill you.
When YOU SHOULD Zhonya :
1. You guys are winning in a team fight but at the same time, someone is attacking you. This is the right time to Zhonya. When you are in Stasis , your team can come and kill your assailant.
2. When you are being attacked by certain characters' ultimate. Consider the following 2 examples : Ashe's ultimate and Karthus's ultimate. You see Ashe's ultimate heading toward you. You activate Zhonya. The arrow goes right through you and you are undamaged and unaffected. You see a red beam over your character which signifies Karthus's ultimate. You activate Zhonya. The beam strikes you but you are undamaged.Besides the 2 mentioned here , Zhonya enables you to escape from many ultimates. For example : Nunu's ultimate , Gangplank's ultimate ,
1. Your team is fleeing after losing a team fight. You have extremely low HP and you see a Karthus ultimate. If you Zhonya, the other team will catch up to you. If you do not Zhonya , you will die. This is a dilemma. Zhonya or not , you will die. I say , you should Zhonya. You will delay the enemy team, for a short moment, from getting the gold and EXP from killing you.
Thank you for reading this guide. Don't be one of those players that don't Zhonya. If you Zhonya in the right time , it will help you so much. Add me in game. Andrewleetzor is my ign.
You SHOULD NOT use Zhonya's under these circumstances :
1.You are the main damage and a team fight is going on. Activating Zhonya will cripple your team. The logic is something like this. Once you Zhonya, your enemy will target another player in your team. The team fight, therefore, will become a 4v5 fight because you Zhonya-ed.
2. You are losing in a team fight and you are running. NEVER Zhonya when you are running away from your enemy. Activating Zhonya when you are running will allow the other team to catch up to you and kill you.
When YOU SHOULD Zhonya :
1. You guys are winning in a team fight but at the same time, someone is attacking you. This is the right time to Zhonya. When you are in Stasis , your team can come and kill your assailant.
2. When you are being attacked by certain characters' ultimate. Consider the following 2 examples : Ashe's ultimate and Karthus's ultimate. You see Ashe's ultimate heading toward you. You activate Zhonya. The arrow goes right through you and you are undamaged and unaffected. You see a red beam over your character which signifies Karthus's ultimate. You activate Zhonya. The beam strikes you but you are undamaged.Besides the 2 mentioned here , Zhonya enables you to escape from many ultimates. For example : Nunu's ultimate , Gangplank's ultimate ,
1. Your team is fleeing after losing a team fight. You have extremely low HP and you see a Karthus ultimate. If you Zhonya, the other team will catch up to you. If you do not Zhonya , you will die. This is a dilemma. Zhonya or not , you will die. I say , you should Zhonya. You will delay the enemy team, for a short moment, from getting the gold and EXP from killing you.
Thank you for reading this guide. Don't be one of those players that don't Zhonya. If you Zhonya in the right time , it will help you so much. Add me in game. Andrewleetzor is my ign.
Friday, July 8, 2011
[Guide] - Ap Carrying
This will be a guide informing you about tips and ways to play an AP carry
What is an AP carry?
An AP hero is a mage caster champion. They focus on dealing damage through spells with each hero having a certain unique play style. You would tend to want to buy AP items to boost the power of your champion. There are many variations of AP champions and we will get into those different categories later in this guide.
How to play an AP carry
Generally, almost all of the AP champions in the game are burst or nuke dps champions. Which is basically, your champion will deal damage through spells and after you go through your spell rotation, your only way of attacking will go on cooldown. (your spells) That is called a burst and some champions have a nuke- which is basically one skill that does a ton of damage. When you play an AP hero, you want to focus on knowing when to use certain spells and when to save spells for later uses.
What is an AP carry?
An AP hero is a mage caster champion. They focus on dealing damage through spells with each hero having a certain unique play style. You would tend to want to buy AP items to boost the power of your champion. There are many variations of AP champions and we will get into those different categories later in this guide.
How to play an AP carry
Generally, almost all of the AP champions in the game are burst or nuke dps champions. Which is basically, your champion will deal damage through spells and after you go through your spell rotation, your only way of attacking will go on cooldown. (your spells) That is called a burst and some champions have a nuke- which is basically one skill that does a ton of damage. When you play an AP hero, you want to focus on knowing when to use certain spells and when to save spells for later uses.
I will be using Annie as an example of an AP carry. Annie is a perfect representation of a burst dps mage champion. She has a single target nuke, and two AOE nukes; one of which is her ultimate which summons a pet that she can control. When I play Annie , I focus on building massive amounts of AP item-wise. Which is basically grabbing a Rabadons and a Zhonyas. Getting a Zhonyas is essential in playing burst champions. As activating Zhonyas active effect will put you in a non-targetable state, allowing you to have a few seconds of peace and allowing your cooldowns to be refreshed for a few seconds. Timed right and zhonyas can dodge certain abilities such as Karthus' ultimate and Cailtyn's ultimate to name a few.
When I play Annie, I make sure to buy some survivability, like Rylai's crystal scepter (not only does it give you tons of health and AP, it also gives you a passive of slowing champions when you damage them with any kind of AP) . A Rod of Ages is also very effective in giving an AP champion extra AP, mana and health. Rod of Ages (ROA) is better to be obtained early game: as its passive gives you more AP, mana and health over time.
Two big parts of playing a hero is positioning and knowing when to use your skills and when to save them for later. When you enter a team fight as an AP champion, usually two things will happen. If you are fed and are doing massive damage to their team. If the other team is coordinated enough, they will see it fit to kill you off first. That is when you want to hang in the back of your team and go in and out, waiting for your cool downs on the wings of the fight and then going back in. If they are not focusing you, then you can go wild on everyone, nine times out of ten, you will not want to use all of your spells at once on a tank. Consider doing the most damage you can to one of their DPS champions who might be able to kill your teammates easily.
Annie's passive is a perfect way to practice; knowing when to use your spells. After every five spell casts, the next offensive spell will have the ability to stun the target. The stun is a key to Annie's play style. Casting her W and E ability at your fountain or elsewhere to get your stun up is essential in surviving and taking down champions. Knowing when to use her ultimate and W ability is very essential to her play style too as those two OFFENSIVE abilities will allow her to stun multiple targets since those two abilities do AOE damage. Her ultimate: summon Tibbers, will summon a pet for her which does tons of damage on summon and tons of damage as it hits enemies. There are two situations in where you should summon Tibbers, no matter what. If you are taking on two or more enemy champions, summoning Tibbers as your stunning offensive ability to stun several of them, allowing your team or yourself to pick up a few kills easily. The second scenario is if you are pushing a tower and taking the tower is essential to your team's success, you would want to summon tibers to be able to have an extra damage dealer to the tower. Tibbers can also be used as a tank against tower as long as Tibbers doesn't hit an enemy champion, Annie will not draw tower aggro. (Tower Aggro - standing too close to the tower, or attacking an enemy champion near their tower will result in getting focused and hit by said tower)
Why you would want to play an AP hero.
If your team had no AP champion, that would put your team at a HUGE disadvantage. It would make your team a heavily AD team where the other team would have no hardship in buying armor to reduce the damage your whole team does. Having a balance of AD and AP champions will allow you to make the other team think twice about buying either armor or magic resistance.
Builds that we find effective:
Massive amounts of AP, this is for players who are confident in their abilities to get kills and not get killed.
1) Dorans Ring
2) Boots
3) Dorans Ring
4) Needlessly Large Rod
5) Rabadons
6) Sorcerer Boots
7) Rylai's Crystal Scepter (for health and the slow passive)
8) Will of the Ancients (for spell vamp)
9) Zhonya's Hourlgass
10) A defensive item- for ex. Banshee's Veil or more ap in the form of a void staff if the other team has alot of magic resistance
A build for very mana hungry champions
1) Dorans Ring ( sell later)
2) Boots
3) Catalyst the Protector
4) Rod of Ages
5) Upgraded boots that best suit your play-style
6) Rabadons Deathcap
7) Arch Angel's Staff
8) Banshee's Veil if you need it- this can be subsituted with another Arch Angel's Staff- its passive where 3% of your max mana turns into AP- that passive stacks.
9) Void Staff if the other team has alot of magic resist, a Rylai's or a Zhonya's if you feel you are dying too fast.
Super Burst Damage
1) If you feel up to it- Amplifying tome and 1 health potion
2) Kage's Lucky Pick
3) Boots
4) Zhonya's
5) Deathire grasp
6) Mercury Treads or Sorcerer boots
7) Rabadon's
8) Rylai's
9) Lich bane, Banshee's veil or a Void staff
If you are just starting to play, I would recommend Annie as a fun and cheap champion to buy and maneuver yourself with an AP champion before you move on to buying really expensive champions.
Thank you for taking your time to read this guide on how to play an AP champion.
Why you would want to play an AP hero.
If your team had no AP champion, that would put your team at a HUGE disadvantage. It would make your team a heavily AD team where the other team would have no hardship in buying armor to reduce the damage your whole team does. Having a balance of AD and AP champions will allow you to make the other team think twice about buying either armor or magic resistance.
Builds that we find effective:
Massive amounts of AP, this is for players who are confident in their abilities to get kills and not get killed.
1) Dorans Ring
2) Boots
3) Dorans Ring
4) Needlessly Large Rod
5) Rabadons
6) Sorcerer Boots
7) Rylai's Crystal Scepter (for health and the slow passive)
8) Will of the Ancients (for spell vamp)
9) Zhonya's Hourlgass
10) A defensive item- for ex. Banshee's Veil or more ap in the form of a void staff if the other team has alot of magic resistance
A build for very mana hungry champions
1) Dorans Ring ( sell later)
2) Boots
3) Catalyst the Protector
4) Rod of Ages
5) Upgraded boots that best suit your play-style
6) Rabadons Deathcap
7) Arch Angel's Staff
8) Banshee's Veil if you need it- this can be subsituted with another Arch Angel's Staff- its passive where 3% of your max mana turns into AP- that passive stacks.
9) Void Staff if the other team has alot of magic resist, a Rylai's or a Zhonya's if you feel you are dying too fast.
Super Burst Damage
1) If you feel up to it- Amplifying tome and 1 health potion
2) Kage's Lucky Pick
3) Boots
4) Zhonya's
5) Deathire grasp
6) Mercury Treads or Sorcerer boots
7) Rabadon's
8) Rylai's
9) Lich bane, Banshee's veil or a Void staff
If you are just starting to play, I would recommend Annie as a fun and cheap champion to buy and maneuver yourself with an AP champion before you move on to buying really expensive champions.
Annie |
Ability Power,
how to play,
Lady Gaga,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
League of Legends - Terminology
Here is a list of League of Legends terminology that EVERY player must know.
AD - Attack Damage. Calculate how much your auto attack does.
AP - AP stands for ability power. This calculates how much extra damage spell casters do.
Carry - The person on the team that does the most damage and have the most kills. Carries are players that lead the team into VICTORY !
Feeder - A person on the team that does not help your team but instead helps the other team. He/She does this by dying to the enemy team very often and gives the enemy team gold.
M.I.A- This means "missing in action." You call M.I.A. when someone is missing from your lane. An example would be " BOT MIA ! Care MID. "
Gank - A ambush by another character that was not originally in your lane.
Face Check - Running into a bush when you have no knowledge what is inside that bush. Players often die because they face check bushes.
ELO - A method of calculating skill level. The higher the ELO , the better the player. You can only find out your ELO if you play ranked games.
Ping - A dot on your mini map that is supposed to attract your attention.
CV - Clairvoyance. Players often type in " CV here" and then use a ping to tell the team where to Clairvoyance.
Zoning - This will be another guide. Zoning is a complex concept.
Nuke - Do a lot of damage instantly to a single target. Nukes are often spell caster champions , like Veigar or Annie , or Anivia.
Burst - Do a lot of damage over a short duration of time to a target. Nukes and Burst are almost the same thing. However , they are still different.
IE - Infinity Edge. Referring to an item.
BT - Blood thirstier. Referring to item.
Stacks - Referring to 3 items. Sword of the Occult , Mejas Soul Stealer , and Leviathans. These items give you more "stacks " as you kill more people . You lose 1/3 of your "stacks" if you die.
AD - Attack Damage. Calculate how much your auto attack does.
AP - AP stands for ability power. This calculates how much extra damage spell casters do.
Carry - The person on the team that does the most damage and have the most kills. Carries are players that lead the team into VICTORY !
Feeder - A person on the team that does not help your team but instead helps the other team. He/She does this by dying to the enemy team very often and gives the enemy team gold.
M.I.A- This means "missing in action." You call M.I.A. when someone is missing from your lane. An example would be " BOT MIA ! Care MID. "
Gank - A ambush by another character that was not originally in your lane.
Face Check - Running into a bush when you have no knowledge what is inside that bush. Players often die because they face check bushes.
ELO - A method of calculating skill level. The higher the ELO , the better the player. You can only find out your ELO if you play ranked games.
Ping - A dot on your mini map that is supposed to attract your attention.
CV - Clairvoyance. Players often type in " CV here" and then use a ping to tell the team where to Clairvoyance.
Zoning - This will be another guide. Zoning is a complex concept.
Nuke - Do a lot of damage instantly to a single target. Nukes are often spell caster champions , like Veigar or Annie , or Anivia.
Burst - Do a lot of damage over a short duration of time to a target. Nukes and Burst are almost the same thing. However , they are still different.
IE - Infinity Edge. Referring to an item.
BT - Blood thirstier. Referring to item.
Stacks - Referring to 3 items. Sword of the Occult , Mejas Soul Stealer , and Leviathans. These items give you more "stacks " as you kill more people . You lose 1/3 of your "stacks" if you die.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
[Guide] - Ward placement
I see people putting ward in the weirdest places. This guide will teach you where to place wards , so you get the most out of your investment.
Ward Types
Vision Ward
This is called a Vision ward. People often call them "pinks" because of the pink top that they have. Vision wards can see stealth-ed characters and other wards. People get Vision wards for two reasons.
1. Vision wards detect stealth characters in the lane. Putting a vision ward in the middle of the lane will cripple the stealth character(s) and will give you an advantage of seeing them in stealth.
2. Vision wards are used for ward scouting. Players place this ward at Baron and/or Dragon. Putting a vision ward at Baron and/or Dragon allows you to check if they have any wards there. If you find wards , then you will eliminate the amount of control the enemy have of the map. The more sight of the map a team has , the more control they have. Eliminating their wards will loosen the enemy's control of the map.
Sight ward
Sight wards are the most commonly bought wards. It costs 75 gold and lasts 300 seconds. Buy LOTS of these. Buy at least 15 per game. Unlike Vision wards , Sight wards can't see invisible targets. You use these to see general characters.
WHERE to place wards
You want to put the wards in the places where there are traffic and put wards in bushes. Putting them in bushes give you a vision advantage. You can attack the enemy when they are inside the bushes. Most of the time , they won't know you can see them. So you will catch them off guard.
Here is a map on where to place the wards.
These are generally where you want to place wards. There are exceptions though. If there is a stealth character , then you want to put one in the lane.
Buying wards is an investment. All high level players buy wards. All Dreamhack team bought wards. They are worth it. It will help your team so much.
Ending Note:
Thank you for reading this guide. You should know where to put the wards now. Add me in game. My name is andrewleetzor. :D
I see people putting ward in the weirdest places. This guide will teach you where to place wards , so you get the most out of your investment.
This is called a Vision ward. People often call them "pinks" because of the pink top that they have. Vision wards can see stealth-ed characters and other wards. People get Vision wards for two reasons.
1. Vision wards detect stealth characters in the lane. Putting a vision ward in the middle of the lane will cripple the stealth character(s) and will give you an advantage of seeing them in stealth.
2. Vision wards are used for ward scouting. Players place this ward at Baron and/or Dragon. Putting a vision ward at Baron and/or Dragon allows you to check if they have any wards there. If you find wards , then you will eliminate the amount of control the enemy have of the map. The more sight of the map a team has , the more control they have. Eliminating their wards will loosen the enemy's control of the map.
Sight ward
Sight wards are the most commonly bought wards. It costs 75 gold and lasts 300 seconds. Buy LOTS of these. Buy at least 15 per game. Unlike Vision wards , Sight wards can't see invisible targets. You use these to see general characters.
WHERE to place wards
You want to put the wards in the places where there are traffic and put wards in bushes. Putting them in bushes give you a vision advantage. You can attack the enemy when they are inside the bushes. Most of the time , they won't know you can see them. So you will catch them off guard.
Here is a map on where to place the wards.
These are generally where you want to place wards. There are exceptions though. If there is a stealth character , then you want to put one in the lane.
Buying wards is an investment. All high level players buy wards. All Dreamhack team bought wards. They are worth it. It will help your team so much.
Ending Note:
Thank you for reading this guide. You should know where to put the wards now. Add me in game. My name is andrewleetzor. :D
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
[Guide] LoL - Last hitting.
This guide will teach you how to last hit and when to last hit. Follow this guide and you will last hit your way into VICTORY !
Last hitting is one of the most important techniques to learn. I regularly see players, in ranked and in normal games , merely auto attacking creeps. This is bad because of 2 problems. The first problem is that you will push the lane. What I mean by that is once you push a lane too far out , you are " overextending." Overextending is when you go too far out of your tower range and thus putting yourself in a vulnerable position for being attacked upon. You don't want to do this. The second problem is that you might not get any creep kills. By purely auto-attacking , chances are you will get no creep kills because your creeps will kill the other team's creeps. Last hitting will fix these problems because you will selectively kill the creep and you won't push the lane.
WHAT is last hitting ?
Last hitting is to wait after your creeps do enough damage and then you finish off that creep by taking away the remaining health of the creep. This should not be confused with farming. I will explain what farming is later. In a nutshell , just wait for the last moment and hit the minion.
Right Click VS Attack Click
There are 2 ways to click on the minion. One way is to right click on the minion using the mouse. This is the most common way is to right click. Most beginners right click when they first start last hitting. Higher level players attack click. There are 2 reasons people attack click over right click.
Why attack clicking is better then right clicking.
HOW to last hit?
There is only one way to last hit. You time the moment which you know you do enough damage and you attack the minion. Players often mistake that you can only last hit with auto attacks. You can last hit with spells also. ONLY use single target spells if you want to correctly last hit. Don't use Anivia's Flash Frost to last hit because that is NOT last hitting. A great spell for last hitting is Gangplank's Parley. In order to last hit , you MUST learn how much damage you do with your auto-attack or spell and you have to learn how to time your attacks correctly. If you timed incorrectly , the minion will kill the target and you will not get gold. Now you are asking " HOW DO YOU LEARN HOW TO TIME IT? RAGEEEE. " Well , you must learn what the animation for auto-attacking is. (Advice: Play Ashe. Her attack animation is very easy to learn. ) Play the character more and you will naturally get the timing. As the game progresses , it will become easier to last hit because you will get higher Attack damage (AD ) and you will do more damage.
If you are being pushed all the way to your tower , you can still last hit. For the melee creep , wait until the tower hits it twice and then hit it. Attack the caster creep after tower hits it once.
Information on Minions
This is from League of Legends Wikia.
These are the minions that are currently in the game:
DON'T for last hitting !
DISADVANTAGES to last hitting !
One of the biggest disadvantages to last hitting is that people will notice when you are not last hitting. If your team is coming to ambush or "gank " the enemy in your lane , you want to let them push on purpose. If the enemy is smart , they will notice you are not even last hitting anymore.The enemy will then back up.
Another disadvantages is when your team plans to kill the enemy when the enemy is near a tower or "tower dive" , and you are still last hitting. In LoL , there is something called " aggro." Aggro is when you attract the attention of a NPC ( Non Playable Character ) and it starts attacking you. If you do not damage the enemy champion , the tower will not attack you unless it has no more targets. If you are last hitting during this situation , then you are a FOOL ! You don't want to be in the back , last hitting minions. You want to push and make your minions take the initial damage from the tower , instead of your teammates. Pushing your creeps when your team wants to "tower dive" will increase of the chance of the "tower dive " of being successful. You DON'T want to be last hitting when your team wants to tower dive.
Benchmarks for last hitting:
We shall benchmark CS (Creep kills ) based on character type and time.
Ranged Carry and AP carry: Any ranged carry should have 70 CS in 10 minutes. That is average CS. If you see a ranged carry with 50 CS in 10 minutes , he is under farmed.
Support : You should rarely get any CS at all. You get your gold on PER 5 Gold items. Support often get Kage's Lucky Pick , Heart of gold , and philosopher Stone for gold.
Tank/Jungler : You should get around 50 CS per 10 minutes.
Ending Notes :
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING :D If you follow my guide , it will make you into a better player. Feel free to comment and to add me. My name is andrewleetzor. I will continue posting about how to become a better player in LoL.
IGN: andrewleetzor
League of Legends is the property of Riot. It is not my property. Please notify me if you are the owner of the any of the material I am using and would like the material to be taken down. This is for education purposes only.
This guide will teach you how to last hit and when to last hit. Follow this guide and you will last hit your way into VICTORY !
Last hitting is one of the most important techniques to learn. I regularly see players, in ranked and in normal games , merely auto attacking creeps. This is bad because of 2 problems. The first problem is that you will push the lane. What I mean by that is once you push a lane too far out , you are " overextending." Overextending is when you go too far out of your tower range and thus putting yourself in a vulnerable position for being attacked upon. You don't want to do this. The second problem is that you might not get any creep kills. By purely auto-attacking , chances are you will get no creep kills because your creeps will kill the other team's creeps. Last hitting will fix these problems because you will selectively kill the creep and you won't push the lane.
WHAT is last hitting ?
Last hitting is to wait after your creeps do enough damage and then you finish off that creep by taking away the remaining health of the creep. This should not be confused with farming. I will explain what farming is later. In a nutshell , just wait for the last moment and hit the minion.
Right Click VS Attack Click
There are 2 ways to click on the minion. One way is to right click on the minion using the mouse. This is the most common way is to right click. Most beginners right click when they first start last hitting. Higher level players attack click. There are 2 reasons people attack click over right click.
Why attack clicking is better then right clicking.
- Attack clicking is more precise then right clicking. There will be less room for mistakes.The left click allows you to click on the correct minion.
- You can stop by press S. If you press on the wrong minion , you can stop your character from hitting it.You can't do this when you are right clicking.
HOW to last hit?
There is only one way to last hit. You time the moment which you know you do enough damage and you attack the minion. Players often mistake that you can only last hit with auto attacks. You can last hit with spells also. ONLY use single target spells if you want to correctly last hit. Don't use Anivia's Flash Frost to last hit because that is NOT last hitting. A great spell for last hitting is Gangplank's Parley. In order to last hit , you MUST learn how much damage you do with your auto-attack or spell and you have to learn how to time your attacks correctly. If you timed incorrectly , the minion will kill the target and you will not get gold. Now you are asking " HOW DO YOU LEARN HOW TO TIME IT? RAGEEEE. " Well , you must learn what the animation for auto-attacking is. (Advice: Play Ashe. Her attack animation is very easy to learn. ) Play the character more and you will naturally get the timing. As the game progresses , it will become easier to last hit because you will get higher Attack damage (AD ) and you will do more damage.
If you are being pushed all the way to your tower , you can still last hit. For the melee creep , wait until the tower hits it twice and then hit it. Attack the caster creep after tower hits it once.
Information on Minions
This is from League of Legends Wikia.
These are the minions that are currently in the game:
- "Melee Minion: Charge directly against the enemy. Three spawn each wave. Melee minions have more health than Caster Minion. On Twisted Treeline they give 29 gold on death, value increases by +1 gold after the 1st wave and +1 gold per 5 minutes after that.
- Caster Minion: Attacks enemies from a range. Three spawn each wave. Fires bolts of energy that are the same colour as their teams. On Twisted Treeline they give 22 gold on death, value increases by +1 gold after the 1st wave and +1 gold per 5 minutes after that.
- Siege Minion: Perfect to take down turrets (Takes 50% less damage from towers.). One spawns every three waves until 35 minutes in game, at which point one spawns every two waves. Siege minions have more health than melee minions. On Twisted Treeline they give 36 gold on death, value increases by +1 gold per 2-3 minutes.
- Super Minion: One is spawned each wave in place of the Siege Minion once the enemy lane inhibitor is down (also takes 50% less damage from towers). Two spawn per wave in each lane when all enemy inhibitors are destroyed. Much stronger than any available type of minion."
DON'T for last hitting !
- Don't just purely last hit. Throw in some auto attacks in there to prevent your lane from being pushed. If you are being pushed as far as your tower , you are at a HUGE disadvantage. Your tower will steal your minions and you will not get gold.
- Don't stand in one spot waiting for the correct moment to last hit. Being stationary makes you an easy target. Make it more difficult for the enemy to attack you.
DISADVANTAGES to last hitting !
One of the biggest disadvantages to last hitting is that people will notice when you are not last hitting. If your team is coming to ambush or "gank " the enemy in your lane , you want to let them push on purpose. If the enemy is smart , they will notice you are not even last hitting anymore.The enemy will then back up.
Another disadvantages is when your team plans to kill the enemy when the enemy is near a tower or "tower dive" , and you are still last hitting. In LoL , there is something called " aggro." Aggro is when you attract the attention of a NPC ( Non Playable Character ) and it starts attacking you. If you do not damage the enemy champion , the tower will not attack you unless it has no more targets. If you are last hitting during this situation , then you are a FOOL ! You don't want to be in the back , last hitting minions. You want to push and make your minions take the initial damage from the tower , instead of your teammates. Pushing your creeps when your team wants to "tower dive" will increase of the chance of the "tower dive " of being successful. You DON'T want to be last hitting when your team wants to tower dive.
Benchmarks for last hitting:
We shall benchmark CS (Creep kills ) based on character type and time.
Ranged Carry and AP carry: Any ranged carry should have 70 CS in 10 minutes. That is average CS. If you see a ranged carry with 50 CS in 10 minutes , he is under farmed.
Support : You should rarely get any CS at all. You get your gold on PER 5 Gold items. Support often get Kage's Lucky Pick , Heart of gold , and philosopher Stone for gold.
Tank/Jungler : You should get around 50 CS per 10 minutes.
![]() |
Around 60-70 CS |
Ending Notes :
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING :D If you follow my guide , it will make you into a better player. Feel free to comment and to add me. My name is andrewleetzor. I will continue posting about how to become a better player in LoL.
IGN: andrewleetzor
League of Legends is the property of Riot. It is not my property. Please notify me if you are the owner of the any of the material I am using and would like the material to be taken down. This is for education purposes only.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
League of Legends ( guide ) - Basic knowledge of the game.
"League of Legends (often abbreviated as LoL, and sometimes as LofL) is an action RTS video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows [...] " - Wikipedia.
HELLO ! Thank you for coming to see my blog. I have been playing LoL for around 10 months now. Currently I am 1515 elo. Add me if you have any question , concern , or simply if you want to play too.
Currently There are 2 maps in LoL. Summoners rift and twisted treeline. Summoners Rift is what I call the "original" map. This is the map that was inspired by DOTA ( Defense of the Ancients ) It consists of Dragon. Dragon is located at the bottom right of the river. Baron is at the upper section of the river. There are 3 lanes in the map. Top , Middle and Bottom are the lanes. Mid is usually a solo lane. Top and Bottom are usually a double lane where there are 2 people in lane. Twisted Treeline has 2 lanes and one dragon. Usually the solo is on the top lane and there are two people in bot lane.
Riot has released concept art for the next map. The map is called Magma Chamber. The map will emphasizes on tactical awareness , ganking , and pushing specific lanes.
How to lane
If you are a beginner , get doran items. They give you decent survivability in the beginning. Afterward , it is wise to get boots because you will move faster then most people. After that , it depends on what you are. I will get into that in later posts. Enter a lane and stay at your tower. This is VERY important. You don't want to "facecheck " brush as we call it. "Face checking " is the act of entering a brush and you have no vision or knowledge of what is inside of it. You can't see what is inside but inside can see you. Therefore , they have the advantage to attack you first and you will be put into a bad position. SO DON'T FACE CHECK !!! When laning starts , kill the "creeps " or minions. Try to hit the creeps to kill it and not just because you feel like auto attacking. Every once in a while , try to attack the enemy champions. ( PRO TIP : GET WARDS ! THEY REALLY HELP THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE GAME ! )
This game is all about teamwork. Henry Ford once said “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." If you guys can , get some kind of audio communication software. You can use Ventrilo , TeamSpeak , Xfire , or skype. You can even call each other if you need to. Just get some kind of audio communication.
Map Awareness
This can't really be taught. It is more of a trail and error thing. If you are in a vulnerable spot , and you notice the whole other team is missing , it is wise to back. As you play more and more , you will notice patterns. You will learn to play better , smarter , and quicker.
Ending Note :
Thank you so much for reading this short guide. Please leave a comment or send me an email if you have any question. andrewleetzor@gmail.com My IGN is : andrewleezor. Feel free to add me to play anytime.
Twisted Treeline trailer
HELLO ! Thank you for coming to see my blog. I have been playing LoL for around 10 months now. Currently I am 1515 elo. Add me if you have any question , concern , or simply if you want to play too.
Picture from League of Legends wikia
Currently There are 2 maps in LoL. Summoners rift and twisted treeline. Summoners Rift is what I call the "original" map. This is the map that was inspired by DOTA ( Defense of the Ancients ) It consists of Dragon. Dragon is located at the bottom right of the river. Baron is at the upper section of the river. There are 3 lanes in the map. Top , Middle and Bottom are the lanes. Mid is usually a solo lane. Top and Bottom are usually a double lane where there are 2 people in lane. Twisted Treeline has 2 lanes and one dragon. Usually the solo is on the top lane and there are two people in bot lane.
Riot has released concept art for the next map. The map is called Magma Chamber. The map will emphasizes on tactical awareness , ganking , and pushing specific lanes.
How to lane
If you are a beginner , get doran items. They give you decent survivability in the beginning. Afterward , it is wise to get boots because you will move faster then most people. After that , it depends on what you are. I will get into that in later posts. Enter a lane and stay at your tower. This is VERY important. You don't want to "facecheck " brush as we call it. "Face checking " is the act of entering a brush and you have no vision or knowledge of what is inside of it. You can't see what is inside but inside can see you. Therefore , they have the advantage to attack you first and you will be put into a bad position. SO DON'T FACE CHECK !!! When laning starts , kill the "creeps " or minions. Try to hit the creeps to kill it and not just because you feel like auto attacking. Every once in a while , try to attack the enemy champions. ( PRO TIP : GET WARDS ! THEY REALLY HELP THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE GAME ! )
This game is all about teamwork. Henry Ford once said “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." If you guys can , get some kind of audio communication software. You can use Ventrilo , TeamSpeak , Xfire , or skype. You can even call each other if you need to. Just get some kind of audio communication.
Map Awareness
This can't really be taught. It is more of a trail and error thing. If you are in a vulnerable spot , and you notice the whole other team is missing , it is wise to back. As you play more and more , you will notice patterns. You will learn to play better , smarter , and quicker.
Ending Note :
Thank you so much for reading this short guide. Please leave a comment or send me an email if you have any question. andrewleetzor@gmail.com My IGN is : andrewleezor. Feel free to add me to play anytime.
Twisted Treeline trailer
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