Sunday, July 3, 2011

League of Legends ( guide ) - Basic knowledge of the game.

"League of Legends (often abbreviated as LoL, and sometimes as LofL) is an action RTS video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows [...] " - Wikipedia.


HELLO ! Thank you for coming to see my blog. I have been playing LoL for around 10 months now. Currently I am 1515 elo. Add me if you have any question , concern , or simply if you want to play too.

 Picture from League of Legends wikia

Currently There are 2 maps in LoL. Summoners rift and twisted treeline. Summoners Rift is what I call the "original" map. This is the map that was inspired by DOTA ( Defense of the Ancients ) It consists of Dragon. Dragon is located at the bottom right of the river. Baron is at the upper section of the river. There are 3 lanes in the map.  Top , Middle and Bottom are the lanes. Mid is usually a solo lane. Top and Bottom are usually a double lane where there are 2 people in lane. Twisted Treeline has 2 lanes and one dragon. Usually the solo is on the top lane and there are two people in bot lane.

Riot has released concept art for the next map. The map is called Magma Chamber. The map will emphasizes on tactical awareness , ganking , and pushing specific lanes.

 How to lane
If you are a beginner , get doran items. They give you decent survivability in the beginning. Afterward , it is wise to get boots because you will move faster then most people. After that , it depends on what you are. I will get into that in later posts. Enter a lane and stay at your tower. This is VERY important. You don't want to "facecheck " brush as we call it. "Face checking " is the act of entering a brush and you have no vision or knowledge of what is inside of it. You can't see what is inside but inside can see you. Therefore , they have the advantage to attack you first and you will be put into a bad position. SO DON'T FACE CHECK !!! When laning starts , kill the "creeps " or minions. Try to hit the creeps to kill it and not just because you feel like auto attacking. Every once in a while , try to attack the enemy champions. ( PRO TIP : GET WARDS ! THEY REALLY HELP THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE GAME ! )

This game is all about teamwork. Henry Ford once said  Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." If you guys can , get some kind of audio communication software. You can use Ventrilo , TeamSpeak , Xfire , or skype. You can even call each other if you need to. Just get some kind of audio communication.

Map Awareness 
This can't really be taught. It is more of a trail and error thing. If you are in a vulnerable spot , and you notice the whole other team is missing , it is wise to back. As you play more and more , you will notice patterns. You will learn to play better , smarter , and quicker. 

Ending Note : 
Thank you so much for reading this short guide. Please leave a comment or send me an email if you have any question. My IGN is : andrewleezor. Feel free to add me to play anytime. 

 Twisted Treeline trailer

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