Players often buy Zhonya's Hourglass but either not use it the best way it can be used or they don't even use it at all. Here is a guide addressing these issues.
Zhonya's Hourglass
Total Price: 3300 Recipe Price: 1000
50 Armor, 100 Ability Power. UNIQUE Active: Places your champion into Stasis for 2 seconds, rendering your champion invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any actions. 90 second cooldown.
How players don't use Zhonya at all.
Having bought Zhonya , they keep it in their inventory space for the whole game, period.
How players use Zhonya ineffectively.
Players activate Zhonya to escape from being harassed. Players take a little bit of damage but they Zhonya because they fear they will take more damage. Harassers only have the intention of doing little damage and then retreat. If you Zhonya because someone is harassing you , you fall into their trap.
What does ZHONYA'S Hourglass do ?
This item makes you invulnerable and intargetable for 2 seconds during which you are unable to move. Becoming unable to move puts you in a dangerous position. What I mean is , you will be safe for 2 seconds but afterwards chances are your team has left you behind. Without your team protecting you and your position, the enemy team will surround you and kill you.
You SHOULD NOT use Zhonya's under these circumstances :
1.You are the main damage and a team fight is going on. Activating Zhonya will cripple your team. The logic is something like this. Once you Zhonya, your enemy will target another player in your team. The team fight, therefore, will become a 4v5 fight because you Zhonya-ed.
2. You are losing in a team fight and you are running. NEVER Zhonya when you are running away from your enemy. Activating Zhonya when you are running will allow the other team to catch up to you and kill you.
When YOU SHOULD Zhonya :
1. You guys are winning in a team fight but at the same time, someone is attacking you. This is the right time to Zhonya. When you are in Stasis , your team can come and kill your assailant.
2. When you are being attacked by certain characters' ultimate. Consider the following 2 examples : Ashe's ultimate and Karthus's ultimate. You see Ashe's ultimate heading toward you. You activate Zhonya. The arrow goes right through you and you are undamaged and unaffected. You see a red beam over your character which signifies Karthus's ultimate. You activate Zhonya. The beam strikes you but you are undamaged.Besides the 2 mentioned here , Zhonya enables you to escape from many ultimates. For example : Nunu's ultimate , Gangplank's ultimate ,
1. Your team is fleeing after losing a team fight. You have extremely low HP and you see a Karthus ultimate. If you Zhonya, the other team will catch up to you. If you do not Zhonya , you will die. This is a dilemma. Zhonya or not , you will die. I say , you should Zhonya. You will delay the enemy team, for a short moment, from getting the gold and EXP from killing you.
Thank you for reading this guide. Don't be one of those players that don't Zhonya. If you Zhonya in the right time , it will help you so much. Add me in game. Andrewleetzor is my ign.
You SHOULD NOT use Zhonya's under these circumstances :
1.You are the main damage and a team fight is going on. Activating Zhonya will cripple your team. The logic is something like this. Once you Zhonya, your enemy will target another player in your team. The team fight, therefore, will become a 4v5 fight because you Zhonya-ed.
2. You are losing in a team fight and you are running. NEVER Zhonya when you are running away from your enemy. Activating Zhonya when you are running will allow the other team to catch up to you and kill you.
When YOU SHOULD Zhonya :
1. You guys are winning in a team fight but at the same time, someone is attacking you. This is the right time to Zhonya. When you are in Stasis , your team can come and kill your assailant.
2. When you are being attacked by certain characters' ultimate. Consider the following 2 examples : Ashe's ultimate and Karthus's ultimate. You see Ashe's ultimate heading toward you. You activate Zhonya. The arrow goes right through you and you are undamaged and unaffected. You see a red beam over your character which signifies Karthus's ultimate. You activate Zhonya. The beam strikes you but you are undamaged.Besides the 2 mentioned here , Zhonya enables you to escape from many ultimates. For example : Nunu's ultimate , Gangplank's ultimate ,
1. Your team is fleeing after losing a team fight. You have extremely low HP and you see a Karthus ultimate. If you Zhonya, the other team will catch up to you. If you do not Zhonya , you will die. This is a dilemma. Zhonya or not , you will die. I say , you should Zhonya. You will delay the enemy team, for a short moment, from getting the gold and EXP from killing you.
Thank you for reading this guide. Don't be one of those players that don't Zhonya. If you Zhonya in the right time , it will help you so much. Add me in game. Andrewleetzor is my ign.
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